I am passionate about helping people connect with their creator and the world around them. The Psychology of Heaven is a blog that will help you go deeper into understanding yourself, your relationship with God and the people around you.
I help both new and seasoned Christians understanding how to find peace and deal with the challenges of life be it personal relationships, career or business. You will discover God's extremely good intention towards you at all times – no matter what's being thrown at you.

The idea 'Psychology of Heaven' comes from Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
The Holy Spirit gave me this verse to highlight the specific gift He has given me to help people get unblocked and unlock the potential they have for God's Kingdom on earth. The work involved here is helping you fish out those sneaky little lies in your life and seeing the truth from God’s perspective. Not only from the Word of God presented in the Bible but the actual person of Christ the WORD already alive and living within you and around you.
Combining both these realities is a powerful tool to fully understanding the mind of Christ and the intentions of God towards you. The Psychology of Heaven is about seeing the mind of God in a way that defines the science of you - mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually with Gods original design and intention.
Removing lies can get a little tricky. We are complex beings - God made us that way and psychology goes a long way to helping us understand that complexity. I think you already know the best science can fall short of solving the problems it defines. I've discovered that for myself personally and it's why I am so passionate about inviting the Holy Spirit into all I do as a therapist.
I don't have all the answers and a journey is just that - a journey. The act of travelling from one place to another. I am committed to that pilgrim process in my own life and in yours.
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